SkaDate / Oxwall : granting one location to all users via database

Table: ow_googlelocation_data

INSERT IGNORE INTO `ow_googlelocation_data` (`entityId`, `entityType`, `countryCode`, `address`, `lat`, `lng`, `northEastLat`, `northEastLng`, `southWestLat`, `southWestLng`, `json`)

Those are names of columns to be inserted. They duplicate strucutre of ow_googlelocation_data table.

SELECT id ….FROM ow_base_user

Here we are telling to fill in `entityId` with userIDs from ow_base_user table.

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SkaDate / Oxwall troubleshooting : svg images are not displayed

Some theme related images in SkaDate / Oxwall are in .png format and some are in .svg . Depending on your server configurations .svg files might be blocked . On front end this will result in missing images. Example: image to the left has missing svg console icons. Image to the right is the way console should have looked like:

svg image missing skadate / oxwall    Screenshot-987

If you have faced such issues you need to trigger  Continue reading