SkaDate / Oxwall : things to ask from your hosting provider.

So you have SkaDate or Oxwall website up and running. For your future convenience here is the list of items I recommend checking with your hosting provider in advance. Having this information will help you to react and resolve potential issues if they occur.

1. Where can I find my error logs?
Could you please pull Appache error logs into public_html directory?

Reason: if something goes wrong, the first place to check will be your error logs. You must know where they are located at.

2. Where can I find php.ini file ?
Can I have custom php.ini file?
If yes, how can I create one?

Reason: php.ini file contains a lot of server configurations. You might need to adjust them, for example, to see error messages or to increase certain limits.

3. How many emails am I allowed to send from my server per hour/per minute?

Reason: know what your limits are before you start doing massive mailing campaigns.

4. What are my SSH access details?

Reason: for complex troubleshooting/configruations, backing up large websites, migrations

5. What is recommend Cron frequency on my server?

Reason: just in case. Never hurts knowing.

6. What are back up tools on my server?
How can I use them?

Reason: back your site regularly. If your server comes with a special tool for that, use it.

7. How can I control display_errors and error_reporting configurations on my server?

Reason: usually needed if you face blank white page issue.

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