SkaDate / Oxwall Troubleshooting : how to find out whether all of your cron tasks are being executed.

Cron is responsible for many of important features in SkaDate/Oxwall. From reference guide about Cron you already  know that main run.php file executes number of local cron.php files located within the source code of your plugins. It is assumed that any plugin that has cron.php file with scheduled jobs must get executed by Crontab.

Cron execution is a cycle. This means that cron.php files are executed one after another starting with “base” cron. If Cron faces an error along the way, it won’t “jump over” that cron.php file. Cron will just get stuck on that file and will be doing this over and over again.

There are two ways to check where exactly Cron stucks.

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