SkaDate / Oxwall Troubleshooting: 404 not found error when using software under temporary URL

Sample error: 404 not found. The server can not find the requested page: (port 80)

Known to happen when: software is used (usually fresh installation/migration) under temporary URL.

Temporary URL format: .

Error usually appears on all site pages except ones that refer to direct file. URL: will work , but  will results in 404 not found error.

Admin Panel accessibility: Not accessible.

Possible Solution:

1. open ow_includes/config.php file >> make sure that your temporary URL is used for OW_URL_HOME line.

2. open main .htaccess file and add following rewrite rule right after “RewriteEngine On” line:

RewriteBase /~cpanelusername

SkaDateX / Oxwall : how to change domain name

Follow those steps to set new domain name for your Oxwall / SkaDate website .

General/ required steps.

1. Make sure that  nameservers for your new domain name are propogdated ( usually takes up to 24 hours after nameservers are changed).

2. Open ow_inc;udes/config.php file >>  find following line at the top:

define(‘OW_URL_HOME’, ‘’);

3. Replace current URL with your new one >> save changes.

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